Congratulations Class of 2021!!! Senior Walk video:
over 3 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
STUDENT VACCINE CLINIC FOR DOSE #2 This is a reminder for students and families that received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on May 18th at Galesburg Augusta High School. The second dose will be on June 8th at Galesburg Augusta High School. The clinic will run from 9 am - 1 pm. Please come close to the same time of your first appointment if at all possible. If your student needs a ride from the middle school there will be a bus that will take all students needing their second dose. The bus will pick them up at the middle school at 9:30 am and return then once they are finished. Please complete the attached consent form and have your child bring it with them the day of the clinic. If you need a printed copy your child can grab one from the office of their school building on Monday.
over 3 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – WORK SESSION *High School Media Center* 1076 N. 37th Street Galesburg, MI 49053 June 7, 2021 – 6:30 p.m. Information to join the meeting virtually: Meeting ID: 914 6263 0104 To join Zoom Meeting by computer: o Enter: o Then Click Open Zoom Meeting o Enter Password: 036686
over 3 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
SENIOR PARADE TODAY!!! Seniors and their parent/guardian driver arrive at the HS student parking lot at 5:30! The route for the parade will be: 6:00depart the HS parking lot HS (M96) to Battle Creek Street (go past the PS) Rt onto 35th Street Rt onto E Michigan back through downtown Galesburg Left on McCullum Rt on M96 toward Augusta Lt on N Webster (at the Shell station) Lt on W VanBuren Street toward the MS Rt through the MS parking lot and loop around Rt on M96 back to the HS (disperse as needed to go home, parking lot will be closed)
over 3 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
BOARD OF EDUCATION VACANCY The Board of Education of Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools is accepting a letter of application and resumé from interested residents through 4:00 p.m. on June 7, 2021 to fill a vacant seat. Qualifications include District residency and a registered voter. Residents who are interested in being appointed should submit a letter of application and resume to: Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools ATTN: Board of Education Secretary 1076 North 37th Street Galesburg, MI 49053 Email: Qualified board candidates will be interviewed at a special school board meeting on Monday, June 14, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. (High School Media Center) The qualified applicant shall be appointed by a majority vote of the remaining trustees of the Board of Education and will serve through December 31, 2022.
over 3 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
The G-A Bands and Choir will perform a live-stream VIRTUAL concert on Thursday, May 27, 2021. 10:00am - 7th Grade Band & 8th Grade Band 1:00pm - High School Choir & Symphonic Band Both performances will be live-streamed and recorded. Each performance can be viewed at the following link:
over 3 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
*** SCHOOLS OF CHOICE ENROLLMENT FOR 2021-2022 *** ENDS TOMORROW, MAY 25th!!! Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools is accepting K-12 Schools of Choice applications for the 2021-2022 school year. The application window for fall enrollment of the 2021-2022 school year will be April 26, 2021 through May 25, 2021. Applications are available at the links below. Applications must be returned to 1076 N. 37th Street, Galesburg, MI 49053 or emailed to Schools of Choice Application (Kalamazoo Co.): Schools of Choice Application (Outside of Kalamazoo Co.):
over 3 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
The meeting scheduled for TODAY with the new HS basketball coach has been CANCELED! Please spread the word.
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
The FDA and CDC have approved the Pfizer vaccine for students ages 12 and up. Bronson is running a Pfizer vaccination clinic at Galesburg Augusta High School TOMORROW, May 18th from 9 am to 1 pm. If you are interested in having your child and/or another adult in the home vaccinated please click on the link below and schedule an appointment. (It says students only, but G-A ADULTS can sign up!) ** Walk In Appointments WILL be available! ** *Anyone under 18 must have a parent with them or a signed consent form!* Bronson Vaccination Clinic Link:
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
NOTICE OF REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools Board of Education will be conducting a regular school board meeting. DATE OF MEETING: May 17, 2021 HOUR OF MEETING: 6:30 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: Galesburg-Augusta High School High School Media Center 1076 N. 37th Street Galesburg, MI 49053 To join meeting by computer • Enter: • Then Click Open Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 960 5845 8853 Passcode: 21n3pc Meeting Agenda:
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
G-A Families, The FDA and CDC have approved the Pfizer vaccine for students ages 12 and up. Bronson is running a Pfizer vaccination clinic at Galesburg - Augusta High School on May 18th from 9 am to 1 pm. If you are interested in having your child and/or another adult in the home vaccinated please click on the link below and schedule an appointment. Bronson Vaccination Clinic Link
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
GA Families of Students ages 12 to 15, G-A is working with the Kalamazoo County Health Department to provide vaccinations to students and families that are interested in receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. Please complete the following survey indicating if you are or are not interested in the vaccination. Interest in Vaccination Survey ~ Completing this survey will allow the district the ability to easily communicate with families interested in the vaccine once clinics become available for this age group. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Nancy Saline, our school nurse at
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
NOTICE OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools Board of Education will be conducting a Committee of the Whole School Board Meeting. DATE OF MEETING: May 10, 2021 HOUR OF MEETING: 6:30 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: Galesburg-Augusta High School High School Media Center 1076 N. 37th Street Galesburg, MI 49053 To join meeting by computer • Enter: • Then Click Open Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 991 6663 9556 Passcode: 07QsD
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Not sure where to vote today? Plug your address in here: Find your precinct to see where to vote today! Polls are open until 8 PM! ~ Charleston Township Hall ~ City of Galesburg ~ Comstock Township: Galesburg Baptist Church, 10100 Shadow Lane ~ Ross Township: 1a) Augusta Fire Department 1b) Yorkville Church, 11523 E. D Avenue, Richland, MI 49083 ~ Pavilion Township: Country Cristian Evangelical Free Church, 9286 36th St. S, Scotts, MI 49088
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Proposed bond to fund athletic facility, more classrooms at Galesburg-Augusta schools ~ WWMT Article
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Did You Know? Our MS & HS track teams need to go to another district for practices? This bond project will not just impact students today, but also those of the future.
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
We were hoping not to have to make any more school closures due to Covid-19. Unfortunately, we have had an uptick in cases both in our county, & in the district with more students testing positive & having to quarantine. Most of these cases have been at the high school level. In the last two weeks we have had 15 individuals have to be isolated due to positive Covid tests & 70 quarantined. Today we only had 36% student attendance at our high school. This is having a significant impact on learning. Many of our athletes have had to be quarantined. In speaking with the county health department we are going to close in person instruction, 8th-12th grades starting this Wednesday, May 5th. ~ In person instruction will be paused from this Wednesday until next Wednesday, and resume on Thursday, May 13th. ~ Students will learn virtually during the week closure. We have just half a marking period to go and it's imperative students continue to zoom in! Athletics: ~ We feel that 8th grade can continue with their middle school athletic teams safely. ~ 9-12th grade athletic teams will be paused as of this Wednesday, May 5th and will resume next Wednesday, May 12th. It really is imperative that students stay home over the course of the next week and not mix with students so that we can come back next week, keep school open, keep quarantining to a minimum, be able to finish our 2nd semester courses, hold our postseason athletic competitions and our end of year events that our students and families look forward to. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Eaton Cummins, a global leader in automated transmission technologies, chose G-A for a long term partnership that supports hands-on STEAM learning experiences, robotics, career readiness and service to our community. This partnership, along with our Multipurpose Facility and STEAM classrooms, will allow our students to develop the skills that employers are looking for in the 21st century. VOTE TOMORROW, MAY 4th!!
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
TOMORROW May 4, 2021, G-A residents will be asked to consider a bond proposal to support Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools. Please watch this quick video to see more about this exciting proposal! #WeAreGA #GAPride
almost 4 years ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools