Our district values transparency and communication. To that end, we would like to welcome parents, guardians, and Galesburg-Augusta community members to participate in a Q & A with our district superintendent, Wendy Maynard-Somers. It is also an opportunity for our board members to hear from their constituents. The following meeting times are available and will be held in the high school library: Wednesday, September 13 - 7:00-8:00am - 5:30-6:30pm Thursday, September 14 - 5:30-6:30pm Please RSVP with the following link: https://forms.gle/tN87HLfYR9KzLYaT6
8 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Vote G-A Once Per Day!!!! Ram Fam, we need your help! Our high school has a chance to win a $1,500, $1,000, or $500 prize donation in Johnny’s School Spirit Challenge! We are currently in 14th place. Go vote at https://johnnysmarkets.com/school-spirit/ You can vote once per day through October 16th.
8 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Vote G-A once per day
Reminder: Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools is closed Friday and Monday in honor of Labor Day. Classes resume Tuesday, September 5th. Enjoy your long weekend Rams!
8 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
District Calendar
Students loved our new lunch options from Chartwells, our new lunch program! So many compliments and filled bellies!
8 months ago, Principal Newton
chicken fajita bowl
so many options!
From the Athletic Director: Tonight's Home Varsity Football game is scheduled for a 7:30 pm. start. The safety of the student-athletes and all those involved in the game is of high importance to us. Please be assured that we will be following the M.H.S.A.A. Heat and Humidity protocol, which may require us to delay the start time even further or possibly postponing the event to the following day. Also, tonight's game will be cash only due to complications with our new credit card reader. Senior citizens with a senior pass will get in free. G-A students in grades 7-12 will get in free and G-A students in grades K-6 will get in free with an adult. Also, just a reminder that ticket prices will now be $6. You may purchase a punch card with 40 admissions for $125. Mike Woodard Galesburg-Augusta H.S. Athletic Director
8 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
From our AD: The JV football game for tonight at Decatur has been canceled due to the extreme heat.
8 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
jv football is canceled due to heat
From the Athletic Director: The start to Thursday's football game has been pushed back to 7:30 p.m. and the gates will not open until 6:30 p.m. due to the extreme heat.
8 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
We're hiring! Come join the Ram Fam! Follow the link to see our current job postings: https://gacommunityschools.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
9 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools Rams (With ram head logo)
Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools' Open House night is only a few weeks away! Open houses are being held Wednesday, August 23rd, times as follows: Primary School - 5:30-6:30pm (A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held beforehand, at 4:45pm) Middle School - 6:00-7:00pm High School - 6:30-7:30pm
9 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Open House Wednesday, August 23. Times as listed below
Just a reminder that all student-athletes competing in Middle School or High School sports will need a valid physical on file prior to the start of practices. A valid physical is as follows: 1. ).H.S.A.A. approved physical form 2.) Dated on or after April 15th, 2023 3.) Signed in the 4 locations by the student-athlete and a parent/guardian 4.) Signed by a doctor, P.A. , etc. 5) No restrictions to participate
9 months ago, Michael Woodard
Dear G-A Band Parents and Students, I hope you are having a great summer! I am excited to see everyone LATER THIS WEEK for the start of Band Camp 2023! We have a great year in store and I am eager to get started. Here are some important reminders for Band Camp. Dates: Thursday, July 27 - Leadership Training for section leaders and drum majors Friday, July 28 - Freshman Orientation for new members with section leaders and drum majors (9am-5pm) and Percussion Sectional (1-5pm) Saturday, July 29 - Full Band (9am-5pm) Monday-Friday, July 31-August 4 - Full Band (9am-5pm) Report Time: Plan to arrive in the band room each day between 8:30-8:45 so you are ready to begin at 9:00! Go to the outside band room door, located on the side of the building by the football practice field (look for the band trailer). Stop at the check-in table each day when you arrive. Lunch: Our lunch break is noon to 1pm each day. Plan to bring a lunch to eat in the cafeteria OR you may eat off campus. What to Bring: Instrument Music, Flip Folder, Lyre (If you ordered a flip folder and/or lyre, you will get it at band camp.) Pencils, Highlighters for marking music and drill Lunch, Refillable Water Bottle Sunscreen What to Wear: Comfortable athletic clothing (t-shirt, shorts). All attire must be school appropriate! Tennis shoes or Drillmaster shoes and socks. No flip-flops, sandals, crocs, etc. Hat, Sunglasses Attendance Policy: All students in high school band are required to attend band camp in preparation for the upcoming school year. A typical day of band camp includes learning music, basic marching fundamentals, and drill for the pregame and halftime shows (plus plenty of fun with friends). It is critical for students to be present for this instruction. The learning that takes place at camp prepares us for the start of the school year and cannot be replicated later. Please note that work conflicts, babysitting, and driver's training are not excused absences. Students should clear the dates for band camp with their summer jobs as soon as possible! If you need a ride to or from band camp, make arrangements with a friend or contact Mr. Walker. In the event of illness during band camp, a parent or guardian should contact Mr. Walker as soon as possible. As always, please let me know if you have any questions. Looking forward to the start of a great year! Go Rams! Mr. Walker
9 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Please remember that all Middle School and High Schoool athletes need to have an updated physical dated after APRIL 15, 2023 to participate in MHSAA sponsored sports. High School athletics start Monday, August 7. Middle School athletics start Monday, August 21. Please schedule an appointment before the start of the season. https://my.mhsaa.com/portals/0/Documents/health%20safety/physical2page.pdf
10 months ago, Jeff Merasco
Visit our Bond Update webpage for a 7/14/23 update on our Primary School and High School construction projects! www.g-aschools.org/o/gacs/page/bond-projects
10 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Important Notice: We are learning from our construction supervisor that people are going to our constructions sites to check them out, without permission from himself or the superintendent. We know it's super exciting to see the progress, but please be respectful of our construction teams and DO NOT attempt to visit the site of the new athletic complex or primary school without first contacting and getting permission from Superintendent Somers. This applies to G-ACS staff as well. Thank you.
10 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Caution DO NOT ENTER construction area. Authorized Personnel Only.
Administrative Office Summer Hours Update: While our admin office is open year-round, there are some changes for the summer schedule. Most days, M-Thursday, the office will be open from 8:00-4:00pm. The office will be closed the following five Fridays: June 30, July 7, 14, 21, & 28. We will also be closed July 3rd & 4th. Note: We recommend calling first if you plan to stop by the office, to ensure the correct people are in to meet your needs! We can be reached at 269-484-2000. Thank you!
10 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
From the AD: The Speed and Agility clinic will run from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 14th to accommodate for baseline testing. This is for this Wednesday only, and then we will be back to 11 a.m. to 13 p.m. next week.
11 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Speed and Agility Camp starts tomorrow. The camp is at the HIGH SCHOOL practice field. Check in and registration will start at 10:30. We have received a large number of registration forms without the $20 camp fee. Please pay the $20 camp registration fee tomorrow. Students can purchase a Speed and Agility shirt for an additional $10.
11 months ago, Jeff Merasco
Reminder: The Schools of Choice application window for next fall closes TOMORROW (June 9th). Applications must be returned to the office of the Superintendent by 4:00 p.m. Please give us a call at 269-484-2000 with questions.
11 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Thank you to Towery Photography for taking photos at graduation last week! All photos from graduation can be found here: https://www.toweryphotography.com/p526588658?fpciidx=2062
11 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools
Good luck to Jordan West who will be competing in the MHSAA State Tennis Finals this Friday in Kalamazoo! Also, good luck to John Klimp, Jaidyn Klimp, Kayla Nichols, Hayley Hall, and Lydia Kish who will be competing in the MHSAA State Track and Field Finals this Saturday!
11 months ago, Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools